Graphic Design Brief – A Short Check List

The clearer the brief for Graphic Design, the easier the task will be and theshutterstock_73995520
more likely the final production will meet your original objective.

Our Swift Print guide is:
“Fail to prepare, prepare to fail!”


• Job title
• Key Objectives for campaign
• Product/Service Description
• Who does it need to appeal to?
• Style – does it need to follow corporate guidelines
• Collect Key content, logos, etc
• Do you want to use photography/Illustrations or
both. Do you have images or need stock photos?shutterstock_153425099
• Determine finished size/ orientation preferences
• Determine Copy needs – How much text will be
required and who will produce this?
• Timing – always include a realistic schedule that
includes initial proofing of design style and one or
more full proof edits
• Budget
• Legal Requirements, Copyrights, Data Protection etc…shutterstock_113576218
• Weight restrictions/preferences
• It’s always a good idea to provide samples of
concepts/colour/weight styles you like. It will help
speed up the design process.

Graphic Design will always be better, get better results and cost less the better prepared you are.

If you would like to discuss a graphic design project with us, just call us on 051 334926. We will help you get the very best.

Click this to take a look at some of our flyer graphic design examples.